Case Studies
Professionally manage impact and sustainability.

Status quo; Concept
Amateur football club
Development of a sustainability management system in accordance with the ZNU Stadad - driving sustainable change
The association had set itself the goal of strategically integrating sustainability into its day-to-day operations and becoming the first association in Germany to implement the ZNU Standard - driving sustainable change. Due to the association's structure, this was to be done exclusively with volunteers.
Together with the sustainability working group and the association's board, we held various workshops to develop the association's sustainability strategy and identify the key issues. Target and action plans were derived from the topics identified as essential, which were then implemented in project work.
The club is considered a pioneer in the field of sustainability in sport. It is the first amateur club in Germany to be certified according to the ZNU Standard. Since completing the project, the club has continued its sustainability efforts in an exemplary manner and has already received several awards at state and national level for its commitment to sustainability.

Development bank
External data in impact management
The data situation in many development banks and development financiers worldwide only partially permits the measurement of impacts. External data should be examined as an enrichment or alternative to internal measurement.
Together with a selected software provider, we worked with the client to identify a list of indicators for which we should develop a data collection prototype using satellite and survey-based data. The indicators were technically evaluated and the impact chains were expanded with the possibilities of external data. The prototypes showed that using basic project information such as location and type of investment, a qualitatively valid measurement using external data was already possible in a very cost-efficient manner. The development and discussion of the prototype with a large number of stakeholders from group-wide technical experts, IT and the management level was part of the consultation.
The client has a tested prototype on the efficient use of external data for its impact measurement and thus a tested option for the further cost-efficient improvement of impact management.

Review & Report
Development bank
Fund portfolio impact measurement
The development of a systemic impact measurement and impact reporting system that meets international standards and the requirements of donor institutions and can be implemented cost-effectively.
As a basis for the concept, we carried out a status quo analysis and facilitated a GAP analysis by comparing a) a targeted mapping of existing practices in the market, b) national and international standards and c) existing donor systems and requirements. The identification of overarching and specific standard indicators as well as the concept for the development of a dashboard subsequently enabled the creation of the first impact report.
The client has an impact analysis for its portfolio that combines efficient recording with the ability to provide information directly to donor institutions. Further expansion steps were identified and evaluated in terms of cost-benefit.

Implementation; Concept
Global investor network for the promotion of gender-smart investments
Gender Lens Investing Certification
The measurement of social impact in the area of gender should lead to qualitatively robust results with as little effort as possible. The challenge was to develop an evaluation logic that defines whether a gender-smart investment exists and, if so, identifies different levels from good practice to best practice. In addition to the content-related work, it was also necessary to support the network of investors, as they had to agree to the system in order for it to be implemented. Another challenge was the envisaged data platform, which collects the necessary information via digital interfaces, checks the data quality, analyzes it and outputs it in a reportable format.
Together with other gender measurement experts, we have designed an in-depth measurement system based on existing criteria that allows the targeted evaluation of gender-smart investments in different classes up to best practice. The pilot with investors and investees showed that a quick check and a detailed check based on the measurement concept were both functional. The integration into the data system took place step by step and the quick check could be completely tested for the investor network and adapted to their systemic requirements. The detailed check as a certificate solution is still technically under construction. Stakeholder management took place via monthly workshops with the investor network as well as topic-specific subgroups and bilateral exchanges. Both strands of implementation - the theoretical development and piloting of the system and the collection and integration of investors - were gradually brought together.
The system is in use and the joint commitment of the investor network is in the billions. This commitment was communicated at the highest political level (G7 summit).

Concept; Implementation
Internationally active automotive supplier
Development of an integrated sustainability management system
The client wanted to supplement its integrated management system with a holistic sustainability management system in accordance with the ZNU Standard for Sustainable Management. The roll-out was first to be tested at the head office and at two pilot sites before being rolled out worldwide.
We accompanied the client along the entire learning path. From the status quo analysis, through the various steps of conceptualization and implementation, to the review and the preparation and support of the external audit.
We were able to expand the integrated management system to include the ZNU standard module and develop this based on the customer's needs and requirements, thus preparing the global roll-out.
The integrated management system has been expanded and optimized to include the sustainability module so that synergy effects between existing systems and the new standard can be exploited as effectively as possible.
The global roll-out is now taking place thanks to the standardization of processes.

Investment advisor
Development of an impact management system in accordance with the Impact Principles
The investment advisor had to set up its impact measurement and management system (WMMS) in accordance with the Operating Principles for Impact Management in order to meet the requirements of Section 292a KAGB “Development Promotion Funds”. The key questions here were the company's own role in generating social impact, the internal and external requirements for a system, the current status of the WMMS and which specific steps were missing to achieve the ambition level. In addition, the system was to be set up as efficiently as possible and the necessary documentation created.
The conception phase was divided into a status quo analysis, the definition of the company's own role and the level of requirements and ambition (both internal and external) and a GAP analysis, which identified and prioritized necessary or potential improvements. This consulting consisted of a combination of document analyses, internal workshops and the evaluation of the results to achieve a priority list of activities towards the targeted system. We also supported the concrete implementation of the concept in processes and documentation.
An external verification of the system by BlueMark shows that the targeted ambition levels were successfully achieved within the limited time budget and available capacities. The customized impact management system meets international standards. On an informal level

Status quo
Climate Investment Ecosystem
Positioning of the Impact Measurement and Management System (IMMS)
The client required the design and support for the introduction of an Impact Measurement and Management System (IMMS). The IMMS supports the management in building a network of stakeholders for climate investments, in particular venture capital investors, accelerators and project partners such as training institutions or donors such as the Green Climate Fund.
We prepared a comprehensive market analysis of accelerators and venture capital investors worldwide and explicitly in sub-Saharan Africa and South America for the client. This market assessment enabled us to define the level of ambition for the IMMS and to design, build and implement the IMMS together with the client's project team.
A robust, customized IMMS that meets the requirements of international standards and key stakeholders, from start-ups to project partners and funders.
The IMMS is used and widely accepted. It enables very direct project management and stakeholder dialogs as well as robust reporting thanks to fast learning cycles.

Review & Report; Concept
Mobility service provider from the automotive industry
Support in the preparation of the first consolidated CSRD report
The CSR Directive required the client to integrate a CSRD report into the annual report. As the annual report is consolidated for the entire group, the sustainability report also had to be structured in the same way and take into account the special features for consolidated reports in its structure and preparation.
The project began with the determination of the main reporting obligations in line with the double materiality analysis. The data points to be reported were derived from this and work began on collecting data from the subsidiaries. Target and action plans were drawn up jointly and checked for effectiveness after implementation. The project ended with the joint preparation of the first sustainability report in accordance with CSRD.
Suitable structures were created in the group of companies to enable sustainability to be dealt with strategically and to be able to react more flexibly and better to future risks and challenges. The main result of the project is the Group's first sustainability report, which is not only used to fulfill the CSRD, but also as a marketing tool in a separate report.
By building up expertise within the company, the sustainability reports of the coming years can be prepared more easily and require less external support.

Development financier
Customised impact improvement
The professionalization of investees is a central component of investment portfolios. A new component of this is supporting investees in setting up an impact measurement and management system (WMMS). The question of how to analyze such a system, evaluate it and identify possible improvements was particularly challenging. It was unclear how great the need for such support was on the part of the development financier and its clients.
An impact measurement and management system (WMMS) can be broken down into individual components. The levels of these building blocks can be assessed, allowing a diagnosis of existing systems and a comparison with the requirements for the specific type of investment objectives. For example, an “impact fund” must achieve a significantly higher level than a high-impact company without its own impact intention. Based on this logic, a diagnosis was designed as well as an evaluation grid to quickly identify the need for action. Piloting was carried out on a customer-specific basis using the required modules of the WMMS. After the design and implementation phase, an initial learning loop was carried out to improve the system.
The pilots for customer-specific support all received very positive evaluations and the approach is being institutionalized by the development funder. Further projects with investment targets have already taken place and the system is being institutionalized.

Status quo
Regional development bank in Germany
Advisory services on impact management tools
The regional development bank needed expert support in designing and introducing an optimized impact management system. The aim was to define initial steps that were both ambitious and feasible. To this end, these steps were accompanied during implementation, so that in the end the impact management was in the process of being implemented and could be transferred to a strategic review process for continuous improvement.
We carried out a comprehensive market analysis for the regional development bank to identify suitable tools for impact analysis and analyzed various approaches for the introduction of impact measurement and impact management. We supported the bank in defining the level of ambition and creating the implementation plan for its own impact management. We also supported the concrete implementation of the parallel sub-projects and stakeholder management. Our experience with large and very large institutions helped to overcome challenges such as 1) analyzing and integrating existing and in some cases historically evolved structures, 2) building on existing data availability and IT systems, 3) coordinating with sustainability management and those responsible for sustainability regulation and 4) involving a broad group of stakeholders at working and management level.
Impact management builds on existing structures and data and enables optimized funding impact management. The optimized system enables fast learning cycles and effective stakeholder dialogue. The connection to green or social bonds is taken into account.

Municipal authority and associated NGO
Development of a sustainability strategy for municipal sports clubs
Many sports clubs would like to act more sustainably, but fail to implement this in everyday club life. The aim of the joint project was to develop a sustainability strategy that could be implemented equally by all sports clubs, regardless of size, type of sport or personnel capacities.
Together with the city and other regional partners, we held a total of three workshops with representatives of the sports clubs to develop the key topics and possible measures for the joint sustainability strategy. Sports clubs that implement this strategy can qualify to participate in the “Sustainable Sports Clubs” initiative and receive special funding.
A sustainability strategy for all sports clubs and a concept for the “Sustainable Sports Clubs” initiative. The joint sustainability strategy creates synergy effects between the sports clubs themselves and in the cooperation between the sports clubs and the city and regional partners. In addition, the joint contribution of all participating sports clubs to the city's sustainability goals can be demonstrated.

Review & Report
Verifiers of impact management systems
Expert knowledge for verification
The verification of impact management systems is only partially standardized, and detailed knowledge and experience are necessary to enable part of the evaluation as well as new topics. We had to solve specific questions about the status quo in the market (benchmarking), the evaluation of the quality of impact scoring models as well as process and organizational development.
As part of a larger consulting team, we integrated seamlessly into existing processes and developed specific information. We conducted qualitative expert interviews to understand the current and future state of the market for specific asset classes or peer groups such as development financiers. We presented the findings at working and management level, specifically addressing critical issues and new topics.
The verifier was able to contribute our in-depth expertise and concrete work experience with many of the critical issues to the team and the results. In addition to the positive assessment of their system, the verification customers received a coordinated list of specific improvement steps to create an even more tailored system.

Status quo; Concept
Amateur football club
Development of a sustainability management system in accordance with the ZNU Stadad - driving sustainable change
The association had set itself the goal of strategically integrating sustainability into its day-to-day operations and becoming the first association in Germany to implement the ZNU Standard - driving sustainable change. Due to the association's structure, this was to be done exclusively with volunteers.
Together with the sustainability working group and the association's board, we held various workshops to develop the association's sustainability strategy and identify the key issues. Target and action plans were derived from the topics identified as essential, which were then implemented in project work.
The club is considered a pioneer in the field of sustainability in sport. It is the first amateur club in Germany to be certified according to the ZNU Standard. Since completing the project, the club has continued its sustainability efforts in an exemplary manner and has already received several awards at state and national level for its commitment to sustainability.

Development bank
External data in impact management
The data situation in many development banks and development financiers worldwide only partially permits the measurement of impacts. External data should be examined as an enrichment or alternative to internal measurement.
Together with a selected software provider, we worked with the client to identify a list of indicators for which we should develop a data collection prototype using satellite and survey-based data. The indicators were technically evaluated and the impact chains were expanded with the possibilities of external data. The prototypes showed that using basic project information such as location and type of investment, a qualitatively valid measurement using external data was already possible in a very cost-efficient manner. The development and discussion of the prototype with a large number of stakeholders from group-wide technical experts, IT and the management level was part of the consultation.
The client has a tested prototype on the efficient use of external data for its impact measurement and thus a tested option for the further cost-efficient improvement of impact management.

Review & Report
Development bank
Fund portfolio impact measurement
The development of a systemic impact measurement and impact reporting system that meets international standards and the requirements of donor institutions and can be implemented cost-effectively.
As a basis for the concept, we carried out a status quo analysis and facilitated a GAP analysis by comparing a) a targeted mapping of existing practices in the market, b) national and international standards and c) existing donor systems and requirements. The identification of overarching and specific standard indicators as well as the concept for the development of a dashboard subsequently enabled the creation of the first impact report.
The client has an impact analysis for its portfolio that combines efficient recording with the ability to provide information directly to donor institutions. Further expansion steps were identified and evaluated in terms of cost-benefit.

Implementation; Concept
Global investor network for the promotion of gender-smart investments
Gender Lens Investing Certification
The measurement of social impact in the area of gender should lead to qualitatively robust results with as little effort as possible. The challenge was to develop an evaluation logic that defines whether a gender-smart investment exists and, if so, identifies different levels from good practice to best practice. In addition to the content-related work, it was also necessary to support the network of investors, as they had to agree to the system in order for it to be implemented. Another challenge was the envisaged data platform, which collects the necessary information via digital interfaces, checks the data quality, analyzes it and outputs it in a reportable format.
Together with other gender measurement experts, we have designed an in-depth measurement system based on existing criteria that allows the targeted evaluation of gender-smart investments in different classes up to best practice. The pilot with investors and investees showed that a quick check and a detailed check based on the measurement concept were both functional. The integration into the data system took place step by step and the quick check could be completely tested for the investor network and adapted to their systemic requirements. The detailed check as a certificate solution is still technically under construction. Stakeholder management took place via monthly workshops with the investor network as well as topic-specific subgroups and bilateral exchanges. Both strands of implementation - the theoretical development and piloting of the system and the collection and integration of investors - were gradually brought together.
The system is in use and the joint commitment of the investor network is in the billions. This commitment was communicated at the highest political level (G7 summit).

Concept; Implementation
Internationally active automotive supplier
Development of an integrated sustainability management system
The client wanted to supplement its integrated management system with a holistic sustainability management system in accordance with the ZNU Standard for Sustainable Management. The roll-out was first to be tested at the head office and at two pilot sites before being rolled out worldwide.
We accompanied the client along the entire learning path. From the status quo analysis, through the various steps of conceptualization and implementation, to the review and the preparation and support of the external audit.
We were able to expand the integrated management system to include the ZNU standard module and develop this based on the customer's needs and requirements, thus preparing the global roll-out.
The integrated management system has been expanded and optimized to include the sustainability module so that synergy effects between existing systems and the new standard can be exploited as effectively as possible.
The global roll-out is now taking place thanks to the standardization of processes.

Investment advisor
Development of an impact management system in accordance with the Impact Principles
The investment advisor had to set up its impact measurement and management system (WMMS) in accordance with the Operating Principles for Impact Management in order to meet the requirements of Section 292a KAGB “Development Promotion Funds”. The key questions here were the company's own role in generating social impact, the internal and external requirements for a system, the current status of the WMMS and which specific steps were missing to achieve the ambition level. In addition, the system was to be set up as efficiently as possible and the necessary documentation created.
The conception phase was divided into a status quo analysis, the definition of the company's own role and the level of requirements and ambition (both internal and external) and a GAP analysis, which identified and prioritized necessary or potential improvements. This consulting consisted of a combination of document analyses, internal workshops and the evaluation of the results to achieve a priority list of activities towards the targeted system. We also supported the concrete implementation of the concept in processes and documentation.
An external verification of the system by BlueMark shows that the targeted ambition levels were successfully achieved within the limited time budget and available capacities. The customized impact management system meets international standards. On an informal level

Status quo
Climate Investment Ecosystem
Positioning of the Impact Measurement and Management System (IMMS)
The client required the design and support for the introduction of an Impact Measurement and Management System (IMMS). The IMMS supports the management in building a network of stakeholders for climate investments, in particular venture capital investors, accelerators and project partners such as training institutions or donors such as the Green Climate Fund.
We prepared a comprehensive market analysis of accelerators and venture capital investors worldwide and explicitly in sub-Saharan Africa and South America for the client. This market assessment enabled us to define the level of ambition for the IMMS and to design, build and implement the IMMS together with the client's project team.
A robust, customized IMMS that meets the requirements of international standards and key stakeholders, from start-ups to project partners and funders.
The IMMS is used and widely accepted. It enables very direct project management and stakeholder dialogs as well as robust reporting thanks to fast learning cycles.

Review & Report; Concept
Mobility service provider from the automotive industry
Support in the preparation of the first consolidated CSRD report
The CSR Directive required the client to integrate a CSRD report into the annual report. As the annual report is consolidated for the entire group, the sustainability report also had to be structured in the same way and take into account the special features for consolidated reports in its structure and preparation.
The project began with the determination of the main reporting obligations in line with the double materiality analysis. The data points to be reported were derived from this and work began on collecting data from the subsidiaries. Target and action plans were drawn up jointly and checked for effectiveness after implementation. The project ended with the joint preparation of the first sustainability report in accordance with CSRD.
Suitable structures were created in the group of companies to enable sustainability to be dealt with strategically and to be able to react more flexibly and better to future risks and challenges. The main result of the project is the Group's first sustainability report, which is not only used to fulfill the CSRD, but also as a marketing tool in a separate report.
By building up expertise within the company, the sustainability reports of the coming years can be prepared more easily and require less external support.

Development financier
Customised impact improvement
The professionalization of investees is a central component of investment portfolios. A new component of this is supporting investees in setting up an impact measurement and management system (WMMS). The question of how to analyze such a system, evaluate it and identify possible improvements was particularly challenging. It was unclear how great the need for such support was on the part of the development financier and its clients.
An impact measurement and management system (WMMS) can be broken down into individual components. The levels of these building blocks can be assessed, allowing a diagnosis of existing systems and a comparison with the requirements for the specific type of investment objectives. For example, an “impact fund” must achieve a significantly higher level than a high-impact company without its own impact intention. Based on this logic, a diagnosis was designed as well as an evaluation grid to quickly identify the need for action. Piloting was carried out on a customer-specific basis using the required modules of the WMMS. After the design and implementation phase, an initial learning loop was carried out to improve the system.
The pilots for customer-specific support all received very positive evaluations and the approach is being institutionalized by the development funder. Further projects with investment targets have already taken place and the system is being institutionalized.

Status quo
Regional development bank in Germany
Advisory services on impact management tools
The regional development bank needed expert support in designing and introducing an optimized impact management system. The aim was to define initial steps that were both ambitious and feasible. To this end, these steps were accompanied during implementation, so that in the end the impact management was in the process of being implemented and could be transferred to a strategic review process for continuous improvement.
We carried out a comprehensive market analysis for the regional development bank to identify suitable tools for impact analysis and analyzed various approaches for the introduction of impact measurement and impact management. We supported the bank in defining the level of ambition and creating the implementation plan for its own impact management. We also supported the concrete implementation of the parallel sub-projects and stakeholder management. Our experience with large and very large institutions helped to overcome challenges such as 1) analyzing and integrating existing and in some cases historically evolved structures, 2) building on existing data availability and IT systems, 3) coordinating with sustainability management and those responsible for sustainability regulation and 4) involving a broad group of stakeholders at working and management level.
Impact management builds on existing structures and data and enables optimized funding impact management. The optimized system enables fast learning cycles and effective stakeholder dialogue. The connection to green or social bonds is taken into account.

Municipal authority and associated NGO
Development of a sustainability strategy for municipal sports clubs
Many sports clubs would like to act more sustainably, but fail to implement this in everyday club life. The aim of the joint project was to develop a sustainability strategy that could be implemented equally by all sports clubs, regardless of size, type of sport or personnel capacities.
Together with the city and other regional partners, we held a total of three workshops with representatives of the sports clubs to develop the key topics and possible measures for the joint sustainability strategy. Sports clubs that implement this strategy can qualify to participate in the “Sustainable Sports Clubs” initiative and receive special funding.
A sustainability strategy for all sports clubs and a concept for the “Sustainable Sports Clubs” initiative. The joint sustainability strategy creates synergy effects between the sports clubs themselves and in the cooperation between the sports clubs and the city and regional partners. In addition, the joint contribution of all participating sports clubs to the city's sustainability goals can be demonstrated.

Review & Report
Verifiers of impact management systems
Expert knowledge for verification
The verification of impact management systems is only partially standardized, and detailed knowledge and experience are necessary to enable part of the evaluation as well as new topics. We had to solve specific questions about the status quo in the market (benchmarking), the evaluation of the quality of impact scoring models as well as process and organizational development.
As part of a larger consulting team, we integrated seamlessly into existing processes and developed specific information. We conducted qualitative expert interviews to understand the current and future state of the market for specific asset classes or peer groups such as development financiers. We presented the findings at working and management level, specifically addressing critical issues and new topics.
The verifier was able to contribute our in-depth expertise and concrete work experience with many of the critical issues to the team and the results. In addition to the positive assessment of their system, the verification customers received a coordinated list of specific improvement steps to create an even more tailored system.

Status quo; Concept
Amateur football club
Development of a sustainability management system in accordance with the ZNU Stadad - driving sustainable change
The association had set itself the goal of strategically integrating sustainability into its day-to-day operations and becoming the first association in Germany to implement the ZNU Standard - driving sustainable change. Due to the association's structure, this was to be done exclusively with volunteers.
Together with the sustainability working group and the association's board, we held various workshops to develop the association's sustainability strategy and identify the key issues. Target and action plans were derived from the topics identified as essential, which were then implemented in project work.
The club is considered a pioneer in the field of sustainability in sport. It is the first amateur club in Germany to be certified according to the ZNU Standard. Since completing the project, the club has continued its sustainability efforts in an exemplary manner and has already received several awards at state and national level for its commitment to sustainability.

Development bank
External data in impact management
The data situation in many development banks and development financiers worldwide only partially permits the measurement of impacts. External data should be examined as an enrichment or alternative to internal measurement.
Together with a selected software provider, we worked with the client to identify a list of indicators for which we should develop a data collection prototype using satellite and survey-based data. The indicators were technically evaluated and the impact chains were expanded with the possibilities of external data. The prototypes showed that using basic project information such as location and type of investment, a qualitatively valid measurement using external data was already possible in a very cost-efficient manner. The development and discussion of the prototype with a large number of stakeholders from group-wide technical experts, IT and the management level was part of the consultation.
The client has a tested prototype on the efficient use of external data for its impact measurement and thus a tested option for the further cost-efficient improvement of impact management.

Review & Report
Development bank
Fund portfolio impact measurement
The development of a systemic impact measurement and impact reporting system that meets international standards and the requirements of donor institutions and can be implemented cost-effectively.
As a basis for the concept, we carried out a status quo analysis and facilitated a GAP analysis by comparing a) a targeted mapping of existing practices in the market, b) national and international standards and c) existing donor systems and requirements. The identification of overarching and specific standard indicators as well as the concept for the development of a dashboard subsequently enabled the creation of the first impact report.
The client has an impact analysis for its portfolio that combines efficient recording with the ability to provide information directly to donor institutions. Further expansion steps were identified and evaluated in terms of cost-benefit.

Implementation; Concept
Global investor network for the promotion of gender-smart investments
Gender Lens Investing Certification
The measurement of social impact in the area of gender should lead to qualitatively robust results with as little effort as possible. The challenge was to develop an evaluation logic that defines whether a gender-smart investment exists and, if so, identifies different levels from good practice to best practice. In addition to the content-related work, it was also necessary to support the network of investors, as they had to agree to the system in order for it to be implemented. Another challenge was the envisaged data platform, which collects the necessary information via digital interfaces, checks the data quality, analyzes it and outputs it in a reportable format.
Together with other gender measurement experts, we have designed an in-depth measurement system based on existing criteria that allows the targeted evaluation of gender-smart investments in different classes up to best practice. The pilot with investors and investees showed that a quick check and a detailed check based on the measurement concept were both functional. The integration into the data system took place step by step and the quick check could be completely tested for the investor network and adapted to their systemic requirements. The detailed check as a certificate solution is still technically under construction. Stakeholder management took place via monthly workshops with the investor network as well as topic-specific subgroups and bilateral exchanges. Both strands of implementation - the theoretical development and piloting of the system and the collection and integration of investors - were gradually brought together.
The system is in use and the joint commitment of the investor network is in the billions. This commitment was communicated at the highest political level (G7 summit).

Concept; Implementation
Internationally active automotive supplier
Development of an integrated sustainability management system
The client wanted to supplement its integrated management system with a holistic sustainability management system in accordance with the ZNU Standard for Sustainable Management. The roll-out was first to be tested at the head office and at two pilot sites before being rolled out worldwide.
We accompanied the client along the entire learning path. From the status quo analysis, through the various steps of conceptualization and implementation, to the review and the preparation and support of the external audit.
We were able to expand the integrated management system to include the ZNU standard module and develop this based on the customer's needs and requirements, thus preparing the global roll-out.
The integrated management system has been expanded and optimized to include the sustainability module so that synergy effects between existing systems and the new standard can be exploited as effectively as possible.
The global roll-out is now taking place thanks to the standardization of processes.

Investment advisor
Development of an impact management system in accordance with the Impact Principles
The investment advisor had to set up its impact measurement and management system (WMMS) in accordance with the Operating Principles for Impact Management in order to meet the requirements of Section 292a KAGB “Development Promotion Funds”. The key questions here were the company's own role in generating social impact, the internal and external requirements for a system, the current status of the WMMS and which specific steps were missing to achieve the ambition level. In addition, the system was to be set up as efficiently as possible and the necessary documentation created.
The conception phase was divided into a status quo analysis, the definition of the company's own role and the level of requirements and ambition (both internal and external) and a GAP analysis, which identified and prioritized necessary or potential improvements. This consulting consisted of a combination of document analyses, internal workshops and the evaluation of the results to achieve a priority list of activities towards the targeted system. We also supported the concrete implementation of the concept in processes and documentation.
An external verification of the system by BlueMark shows that the targeted ambition levels were successfully achieved within the limited time budget and available capacities. The customized impact management system meets international standards. On an informal level

Status quo
Climate Investment Ecosystem
Positioning of the Impact Measurement and Management System (IMMS)
The client required the design and support for the introduction of an Impact Measurement and Management System (IMMS). The IMMS supports the management in building a network of stakeholders for climate investments, in particular venture capital investors, accelerators and project partners such as training institutions or donors such as the Green Climate Fund.
We prepared a comprehensive market analysis of accelerators and venture capital investors worldwide and explicitly in sub-Saharan Africa and South America for the client. This market assessment enabled us to define the level of ambition for the IMMS and to design, build and implement the IMMS together with the client's project team.
A robust, customized IMMS that meets the requirements of international standards and key stakeholders, from start-ups to project partners and funders.
The IMMS is used and widely accepted. It enables very direct project management and stakeholder dialogs as well as robust reporting thanks to fast learning cycles.

Review & Report; Concept
Mobility service provider from the automotive industry
Support in the preparation of the first consolidated CSRD report
The CSR Directive required the client to integrate a CSRD report into the annual report. As the annual report is consolidated for the entire group, the sustainability report also had to be structured in the same way and take into account the special features for consolidated reports in its structure and preparation.
The project began with the determination of the main reporting obligations in line with the double materiality analysis. The data points to be reported were derived from this and work began on collecting data from the subsidiaries. Target and action plans were drawn up jointly and checked for effectiveness after implementation. The project ended with the joint preparation of the first sustainability report in accordance with CSRD.
Suitable structures were created in the group of companies to enable sustainability to be dealt with strategically and to be able to react more flexibly and better to future risks and challenges. The main result of the project is the Group's first sustainability report, which is not only used to fulfill the CSRD, but also as a marketing tool in a separate report.
By building up expertise within the company, the sustainability reports of the coming years can be prepared more easily and require less external support.

Development financier
Customised impact improvement
The professionalization of investees is a central component of investment portfolios. A new component of this is supporting investees in setting up an impact measurement and management system (WMMS). The question of how to analyze such a system, evaluate it and identify possible improvements was particularly challenging. It was unclear how great the need for such support was on the part of the development financier and its clients.
An impact measurement and management system (WMMS) can be broken down into individual components. The levels of these building blocks can be assessed, allowing a diagnosis of existing systems and a comparison with the requirements for the specific type of investment objectives. For example, an “impact fund” must achieve a significantly higher level than a high-impact company without its own impact intention. Based on this logic, a diagnosis was designed as well as an evaluation grid to quickly identify the need for action. Piloting was carried out on a customer-specific basis using the required modules of the WMMS. After the design and implementation phase, an initial learning loop was carried out to improve the system.
The pilots for customer-specific support all received very positive evaluations and the approach is being institutionalized by the development funder. Further projects with investment targets have already taken place and the system is being institutionalized.

Status quo
Regional development bank in Germany
Advisory services on impact management tools
The regional development bank needed expert support in designing and introducing an optimized impact management system. The aim was to define initial steps that were both ambitious and feasible. To this end, these steps were accompanied during implementation, so that in the end the impact management was in the process of being implemented and could be transferred to a strategic review process for continuous improvement.
We carried out a comprehensive market analysis for the regional development bank to identify suitable tools for impact analysis and analyzed various approaches for the introduction of impact measurement and impact management. We supported the bank in defining the level of ambition and creating the implementation plan for its own impact management. We also supported the concrete implementation of the parallel sub-projects and stakeholder management. Our experience with large and very large institutions helped to overcome challenges such as 1) analyzing and integrating existing and in some cases historically evolved structures, 2) building on existing data availability and IT systems, 3) coordinating with sustainability management and those responsible for sustainability regulation and 4) involving a broad group of stakeholders at working and management level.
Impact management builds on existing structures and data and enables optimized funding impact management. The optimized system enables fast learning cycles and effective stakeholder dialogue. The connection to green or social bonds is taken into account.

Municipal authority and associated NGO
Development of a sustainability strategy for municipal sports clubs
Many sports clubs would like to act more sustainably, but fail to implement this in everyday club life. The aim of the joint project was to develop a sustainability strategy that could be implemented equally by all sports clubs, regardless of size, type of sport or personnel capacities.
Together with the city and other regional partners, we held a total of three workshops with representatives of the sports clubs to develop the key topics and possible measures for the joint sustainability strategy. Sports clubs that implement this strategy can qualify to participate in the “Sustainable Sports Clubs” initiative and receive special funding.
A sustainability strategy for all sports clubs and a concept for the “Sustainable Sports Clubs” initiative. The joint sustainability strategy creates synergy effects between the sports clubs themselves and in the cooperation between the sports clubs and the city and regional partners. In addition, the joint contribution of all participating sports clubs to the city's sustainability goals can be demonstrated.

Review & Report
Verifiers of impact management systems
Expert knowledge for verification
The verification of impact management systems is only partially standardized, and detailed knowledge and experience are necessary to enable part of the evaluation as well as new topics. We had to solve specific questions about the status quo in the market (benchmarking), the evaluation of the quality of impact scoring models as well as process and organizational development.
As part of a larger consulting team, we integrated seamlessly into existing processes and developed specific information. We conducted qualitative expert interviews to understand the current and future state of the market for specific asset classes or peer groups such as development financiers. We presented the findings at working and management level, specifically addressing critical issues and new topics.
The verifier was able to contribute our in-depth expertise and concrete work experience with many of the critical issues to the team and the results. In addition to the positive assessment of their system, the verification customers received a coordinated list of specific improvement steps to create an even more tailored system.
evolutiq Impact Advisory GmbH
Vitalisstraße 67
50827 Cologne
© 2024 evolutiq GmbH. All rights reserved.
evolutiq Impact Advisory GmbH
Vitalisstraße 67
50827 Cologne
© 2024 evolutiq GmbH. All rights reserved.
evolutiq Impact Advisory GmbH
Vitalisstraße 67
50827 Cologne
© 2024 evolutiq GmbH. All rights reserved.